Friday, 27 July 2012

[ semester 2 ]

hi Assalamualaikum and morning to all fellass :)
lame Miza tak post entry kan.
Sini Miza nak share my schedule and subject's list utk semester 2 Bachelor of Aviation Management.

click untuk tumbesaran

most of the subject in this semester ialah favorite subject Miza macam priciples of marketing, business ethics, economics, management information system, law of contract and most of all english. hehe accounting and finance takde dalam senarai favorite sbb Miza tak suka subject tu tho Miza ambik accountancy masa diploma dulu. huhu. pape pun nanti Miza nak semaikan rasa sayang kat subject account and finance tu. buat malu student account jelah kalau tak pandai2 jugak sedangkan 3 tahun main dengan account tu kan. hehe

click untuk tumbesaran

ni jadual Miza utk semester 2 ni. kalau tengok daripada gambar atas ni boleh dikatakan heaven jugaklah jadual walaupun 7 subject kan :) isnin siap takde kelas tu. hahahaha :)

thats all Miza nak share kat kawan kawan. ehem :) hidup ni perlu ceria, dah seminggu Miza bersedih and now Miza dh motivate diri sendiri utk sentiasa ceria walaupun bersedih :) kawan kawan pn jangan sedih sedih tahu. Tuhan and family selalu ada dengan kita :)

Saturday, 21 July 2012

[ 1st Ramadhan ]

Assalamualaikum to all of you

before its too late I want to wish all Happy Fasting 
May this Holy Ramadhan will bring us thousand barakah

this is my 7th years celebrating fasting after convert to Islam
and insyaAllah will have the opportunity to celebrate Eid for 7th times
alhamdulillah i managed to through the 1st day eventho i feel bit stress, tired and all that
and yeah i got a problems of getting faint anytime when i'm too tired.
i hope i can through the Ramadhan and be bless by Allah swt :)

[ selamat tinggal sayang ]

Perhaps this is the ending of my journey with The King of Heart. Miza ekspresikan perasaan dalam hati yg 100%  hancur, patah and putus harapan. Mungkin ni lah apa yg orang cakap, perhubungan yg tidak direstui Maha Esa. Kita hanya mampu merancang tapi Dia yg menunaikan.

happy forever anniversary sayang
21 January 2011 - forever

Kau hadir tanpa ku sedari
mengisi kekosongan hati
Kini kau pergi tinggalkan ku 
lemas ku dalam sepi
Hujan yg turun ke bumi
membawa rindu yg menggunung
Kau biarkan ku oh sendiri
malamku tanpa mimpi
Mengapa tangan kau lepaskan
setelah hatiku kau tawan??
Mengapa takdir memisahkan?? 
hanya ku cinta kau seorang
Mengapa tangan kau lepaskan
setelah hatiku kau tawan??
Aku kan membawa cintaku
menghapus rasa rindu

if ever you (Shafiqq Sani)  find this blog and read this. yes Miza tak pernah give up sepanjang 1 tahun 6 bulan. Miza dh cuba untuk positive. Miza dh abaikan ego diri. Miza dah totally not me. If ever you find someone better than me that deserve the best from you, tolong jaga hati dia elok elok, layan dia seperti puteri.

Mencintai itu memang mudah tp untuk menerima seadanya keadaan seseorang bukan kerja yg mudah. Miza akan anggap ini takdir. Miza berhenti berharap. Hati pn dah tertutup untuk menerima orang lain. This going to be really tough for me and maybe for you too.

Tapi dari cara you I dont think you ada fikir pasal I. Like all my friends said to me "Kalau dia sayangkan kau dia takkan tinggalkan kau sebab benda yg kecik. Every girl akan pikir benda yg sama kalau their lover mula ignore mereka. Mesti ada something wrong. Kau pikir negative sbb kau sayang dia. Kau takut untuk hilang dia" Yes i can see that now.

Takpe. Miza relakan awak pergi. Tak kisah dengan siapa pn. Tapi tak perlu paksa Miza untuk cari yg lebih baik sebab Miza tak pentingkan yg perfect sebab imperfect itu ialah sesuatu yg amat unik. Miza sayangkan awak sampai bila bila Shafiqq Sani. Selamat tinggal sayang.

Mencintai itu mudah tapi untuk dicintai itu adalah mustahil :)

Thursday, 12 July 2012

[ semester 2 ]

berapa orang yg tinggal dalam kelas 2BAVM nanti ya
ada segelintir yg mula goyah
tak mampu nak bertahan
sebelum ni kelas Miza ada 24 orang
tapi 3 orang transfer tempat study
Zafri, Teha and lagi sorang Miza lupa nama
dorang bertiga sambung kat kolej lama dorang 
(Aviation Management College)
then sebelum final ada lagi seorang surrender (Thava)
dia kata MIAT bosan sebab dalam hutan
(takdelah hutan mana)
mungkin sebab kedudukan geografi MIAT
 yg dalam kampung membuatkan dia bosan
almaklumlah budak bandar mana nak tahan duduk kampung
lagi lagi dalam kawasan nama Jenderam Hulu
lagi lah buat hati dia mahu pindah
so dia pun stop belajar
dengar cerita sekarang dia bekerja untuk tunggu result UPU.
so sekarang dah nak masuk semester 2
bukan semua orang boleh tahan study dekat MIAT
kecuali budak budak engineering
kebanyakkan berhasrat jadi LAE
entah berapa orang yg tinggal dalam class
maybe class Miza akan kehilangan lagi seorang studentnya
Hady mungkin akan sambung belajar di MIMET
salah sebuah universiti di bawah naungan Universiti Kuala Lumpur
pengkhususan universiti ni lebih kepada perkapalan daripada penerbangan
maybe tu yg dia nak
doakan dia yg terbaik
mungkin lepas ni Miza pun akan turut meninggalkan MIAT
lepas dapat tahu result SPA yg Miza attend masa bulan 5 yg lepas
kalau ada rezeki adalah kan
haih. entah berapa lah yg tinggal lepas ni

Monday, 9 July 2012

[ a great day yesterday ]

I learnt a lot yesterday

''When we try to open our heart to accept everything that constantly happen to us, we can feel totally bless by Almighty Allah s.w.t. "

I do learnt a lot yesterday. i'm not a very good girl actually and i do hates some random people but then yesterday all i can said was i'm totally feel relief. i'm totally feel like i'm new me and nothing can hurt me when i accept the 'Qada' and 'Qadar' . yes the power of Allah is totally beyond our mind and i accept the truth of that.

I met few new friends and they are awesome. yes all i can say is they are awesome. i try to be friendly i try to have my own social life. i try to appreciate whatever things around me. i try to be new me. may Allah bless :)

Friday, 6 July 2012

[ sejak bila aku....ohwell ]

Ehem. Hi semua. Assalamualaikum.

Salam Jumaat yg penuh keberkatan to all of you.
Sini Miza tengah tengok hamster hamster Miza main wrestling wrestling. Memang comel tapi bila dah ganas sangat Miza suka picit pipi sekor sekor.

Ehem..tadikan Miza tiba tiba merajinkan diri membelek ok kalau mana mana yg dah kenal dengan Miza ni Miza tak berapa suka buku tp entahlah tiba tiba Miza boleh bukak pulak website tu dan terus click New Arrivals. perhh...buku buku ni tiba tiba telah menggoda Miza ! satu satu dok cakap come to Mama Miza come to Mama. ohoii..sejak bila aku jadi ulat buku ni?? sebenarnya kan pepatah ''dont judge a book by its cover'' tu sepatutnya jadi ''dont judge a book by its tittle'' haha. Nape Miza cakap camtu?? cuba korang sendiri yg tengok website tu. kebanyakkan buku buku yg Miza teringin nak ada tu mempunyai cover yg fuiii..haha wa sendiri cair beb.

ok jom tengok list buku yg  Miza akan cuba beli. haha beli saja tp mesti tak baca kan Miza. least Miza sedang cuba tanam minat membeli buku. dari beli benda lain kang orang cakap ape pulak kan. haha. ok jom take a look.

List Buku

  1. The Mistress's Revenge (Tamar Cohen)
  2. The Map of Time (Felix J.Palma)
  3. The Magician King (Lev Grossman)

haha. Tiga ni je yg Miza nak. yes Miza suka cerita cerita berunsurkan fantasy sebab boleh berangan rangan. jadi puteri ke bidadari ke vampire ke kan. haha. ok enough untuk itu. next time Miza update lagi. :)

Thursday, 5 July 2012

[ semester 1 punya cerita ]

Pandang belog dengan muka blur sambil pura-pura comel padahal tengah tak ada idea nak taip ape sebenarnya. Macam biasa hari-hari belek Pesbuk belek newspaper tengok-tengok kot-kot lah gambar Miza yg comel ni masuk paper ke masuk Pesbuk ke kan. Sambil merayau dekat Twitter main retweet-retweet dan reply tweet followers. Haaa..sapa-sapa ade Twitter's account sila lah tinggalkan nickname masing-masing senang Miza nk follow-follow nanti ok. Takpun follow Miza kat sini nanti Miza follow korang balik----->@myzamedusa :)

Sekarang ni Miza nk share rentetan peristiwa yg berlaku masa Semester 1 Miza dekat MIAT. Maybe masing-masing ada yg tak tahu MIAT tu apa kan. MIAT ialah salah satu universiti milik Universiti Kuala Lumpur dan mempunyai pengkhususan berkaitan dengan penerbangan tapi more to engineering. Tapi Miza tak ambil engineering tahu sebab Miza tak ada basic pasal tu. Miza ambil Pengurusan Penerbangan. Lebih kepada ingin menjadi bos daripada jd pomen. hahaha :P Ok jom flashback peristiwa kat bawah :)

Semester 1
  • hari pendaftaran
  • orientasi seminggu
  • study
  • tolong member accident depan mata
  • hiking Gunung Berembun (antara 3 gunung tertinggi Banjaran Titiwangsa)
  • jumpa Shafiqq Sani selepas hampir setahun berpisah (ok yg ni amat tragic lah)
  • join Futsal team semester 3 untuk Friendly Game BAVM (menang nombor 1)
  • jadi coach untuk team Volleyball perempuan semester 1
  • join Volleyball team untuk Intersem Game (menang nombor 3)
  • join Netball team semester 1 untuk Intersem Game (menang nombor 3 jugak)
  • kena buat presentation depan 100 students Foundation in Science
  • final exam
  • cuti
  • attending interview for SPA untuk jawatan Penolong Pegawai Audit

Hehe so agak banyak kan peristiwa yg jadi masa Miza semester 1. Sekarang ni Miza tengah berbelah bahagi samada akan terus belajar ataupun menamatkan je pengajian lepas Miza dapat kerja kat Audit Negara tu nanti. Apa-apa pun semuanya akan terjawab kelak sebab result interview akan dikeluarkan pada 16 July nanti. So tungguuuu apa yg bakal jadi nanti ok :)

Kat bawah ni ada beberapa gambar untuk peristiwa kat atas. Jangan la segan-segan tengok ok :)

minggu orientasi. with my group. Superman

at the peak of Berembun Mountain

my semester 1 BAVM futsal team

few babies from volleyball and netball team SEM1

last day of semester 1. 

*everyone have their own story. so do i and so do mine. and i love all my story <3 *

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

[ saya kerja cleaner je ]


Blog baru harap bersih dari segala benda buruk.

Mari sini Miza nk cerita satu benda. Tadi dok belek-belek Pesbuk pastu nampak kawan Miza buat status pasal Cleaner. Serta merta pikiran melayang. Teringat nostalgia lama gitu. Miza dulu sebelum sambung belajar Miza pernah kerja jadi Cleaner tahu. Hehe tapi dapat bertahan sebulan jelah. Masa tu tahun 2006 lepas SPM 2005. Saja gatal-gatal nak kerja jadi Miza pun dengan selamba kerja jadi Cleaner kat Jabatan Ekonomi (kalau tak silap) kat Putrajaya. Gaji yg Miza dapat tak seberapa langsung tapi masa tu kan tahun 2006 tak kisah sangat duit banyak mana (anggaran dalam RM450 sebulan) tp duit tu Miza siap kasi kat Mak Abah Miza lg tahu dan siap shopping barang bukan-bukan. Hebat kan?

Orang semua cakap kerja jadi Cleaner tu senang je dan tak memenatkan tapi sebenarnya kan kerja tu teramatlah penat kawan-kawan. Bayangkan kita kena handle 2 floor yg ada dua tiga ribu department seorang diri. Kalau bernasib baik dapatlah kawan yg boleh bantu kita handle floor tu.

Ape yg kita kena handle selaku Cleaner? eceh soalan :) Kerja dia bukan senang mana. Kena pastikan tandas setiap floor bersih, tisu tandas tak boleh tak ada dalam setiap toilet sebab nanti pekerja-pekerja office akan mula bising. Lepas tu kena pastikan cermin berkilat, sinki tak tersumbat, lantai tak boleh ada air, jangan ada satu habuk pun dalam toilet tu. perhhh toilet rumah sendiri pun seminggu berapa kali je cuci ni kan pulak kena cuci toilet hari-hari. Penatnya hanya para cleaner sahaja yg tahu.

Paling perit bila kena masuk department untuk pastikan department tu bersih. Ok tu bukan semua orang boleh buat. Kena tebalkan muka ku yg comel ni masuk ke department-department tersebut hanya untuk pastikan department tu bersih. Kadang-kadang ada yg sengaja tumpahkan air kat karpet dan ada yg saja sepahkan ubat stapler dan serpihan-serpihan kertas yg ditebuk bulat-bulat tu ke lantai. Kerja kt department penat sangat. Kena gosok setiap meja, telefon, cermin, ambil sampah-sampah tak kiralah penuh ke tak penuh ke setiap 3 jam. Tebal sangat dah muka Miza ni kawan-kawan. Dalam otak pikir janji halal rezeki beta. Hehe.

Masuk bilik bos ambil sampah dan lap-lap meja bos memang perkara yg menakutkan. Sebab bilik dia biasanya tak pernah tak pernah tak ada orang. Pangkat semua dah la Dato' Dato'. Den pulak cuma Cleaner yg tak ada taraf dengan mereka (eh ape kes melalut?) haha.

Apa-apa pun ni lah pengalaman Miza dulu berkerja sebagai seorang Cleaner. Miza tak kisah tak ada standard pun kerja tu janji halal. Sekarang Miza sedang berusaha menghabiskan pengajian Miza dalam Bachelor of Aviation Management. Eh jangan ingat Cleaner macam Miza ni tak ada pendidikan ok. Miza kerja untuk suka-suka sahaja. Nak merasa hidup macam tu. Kalau tak rasa mana nak tahu kan?

macam ni lah keadaan kalau takde cleaner kan -.-''

Ok macam mana pulak dengan kawan-kawan? Pernah kerja tak lepas habis SPM? Kalau pernah jom lah share dengan Miza kalau tak keberatan :)

[ please don't ]

dont be that girl.
who goes back continuously and thinks that every time will be differ.
(yes you miss him.)
and its easier to breathe with him around.
but isnt it easier to smile when he's not breaking up with you?
or getting mad at you for nothing?
you dont deserve to be the back up.
a person he drops and picks up whenever he wants.
please dont be.
a girl who thinks that each time he comes around he meants what he says and wont leave again.
(everyone knows he will)
and you end up looking like a fool in the end.
(yes again.)
i know you're happier when he is texting you and cuddling with you.
but arent you happier when you aint crying on your floor? 
because he hasnt said a word to you all day?
no one can tell you who to be.
but please dont be that girl.
you're smarter.
and worth a lot more than be that girl.
please dont be.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

[ boardofwisdom ]

I read a quote that went something like " If you live each day as if it your last, someday you will certainly be right. " It made an impression on me.

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven also don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share.No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life's change agent. It clears out the old (or even young) to make way for the new. Right now the new is you but someday you'll become the old and be cleared away.

Sorry for to be so dramatic. But it is true.

Your time is limited.
So don't waste it living someone's else life. Don't be trapped on dogma (living with the result of other people's thinking). Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice.
You need have the courage to follow heart intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.


Monday, 2 July 2012

*lyric Blue Jeans*

Blue jeans, White shirt
Walked into the room you know you made my eyes burn
It was like James Dean, for sure
You so fresh to death & sick as ca-cancer
You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop
But you fit me better than my favorite sweater, and I know
That love is mean, and love hurts
But I still remember that day we met in December, oh baby!

I will love you till the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears?
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
I will love you till the end of time

Big dreams, gangster
Said you had to leave to start your life over
I was like: "no please, stay here,"
We don't need no money we can make it all work
But he headed out on Sunday, said he'd come home Monday
I stayed up waitin', anticipatin' and pacin' but he was
Chasing paper
"Caught up in the game" that was the last I heard

I will love you till the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears?
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
I will love you till the end of time

You went out every night
And baby that's alright
I told you that no matter what you did I'd be by your side
Cause Ima ride or die
Whether you fail or fly
Well shit, at least you tried.
But when you walked out that door, a piece of me died
I told you I wanted more-but that not what I had in mind
I just want it like before
We were dancin' all night
Then they took you away- stole you out of my life
You just need to remember...

I will love you till the end of time
I would wait a million years
Promise you'll remember that you're mine
Baby can you see through the tears?
Love you more
Than those bitches before
Say you'll remember, oh baby, say you'll remember
I will love you till the end of time


Sunday, 1 July 2012

[ 50% ]

1st July 2012
i met this little girl named Anastasia Tain
she's Sarawakian but now stay at Puchong
she's 21 very cute girl who easily laugh to any jokes
i found that she's an easy-going girl
i'm quite not very good in meeting new people
but she makes me feel like we knew each other for a long time
so 50% happy for today

so how bout the balance of 50%?
i miss my Boyfriend Shafiqq Sani
but he didn't pick up my phone yet reply any of my text
are you still mad at me sayang
hm. no matte what. no matter how much i hurt
i still love you till now.
the end

enough 50% of each feeling
how bout you?
are you happy today or otherwise?
or you got the same feeling like mine
hm. smile tho you hurt a lot

[ aliens ]

hi meet my aliens. 4 of them. 
Miko, Mimi, Koko and Boby

when i'm sad or i got nothing to do
i do play with them and even talked to them
what else i can do when i'm all alone
no one to text too
no one. just them
they cant understand me
but they can make me laugh